Mild steel reinforcing bars embedded in concrete exposed 10 marine environmcnt are prone to severe corrosion lending to serious damage to the structures. The various technologies developed and adopted to reduce the corrosion of steel reinforcement have been discussed in this paper along with a new high strength alloy (HSLA) steel reinforcing bar. The bare HSLA rebars heve been tested extensively along with mild steel rebars for comparative study in saline and sulphurous electrolytes in the laboratory by Potentiodynamic testsas well as in natural marine and industrial environments. The HSLA and mild steel rebars embedded in concrete were also tcsled in saline water by alternate immersion test and by impressed anodic current methods. Tbe bare HSLA rebars showed 2-3 and 1.5- 1.9 times better corrosion resistance to mild steel rebars in laboratory and field exposure tests respectively. The HSLA rebars embedded in concrete and exposed to saline water with impressed anodic current of 200...
Keywords: rebar, HSLA Steel, concrete, marine environment, corrosion resistance, potentiodynamic test, field exposure, impressed current.