The sulfide stress corrosion cracking resistance of low Cr Steels was investigated to clarify the application limit in sour environment. The SSC threshold stress of the 0.5%Cr pipe was 95% SMYS which is the same as the Cr-free one. The SSC critical hardness of the 0.5%Cr pipe was about Hv 250 in the 3.000 ppm H2S solution and increased with the decrease in H2S content. The KISSC value of the 0.5%Cr pipe was newly equal to the Cr-free one. The SSC resistance ot the 0.5% Cr pipe was same as the sour resistant Cr-free pipe. The hydrogen permeation rate of the Cr bearing steel was slightly lower than that of the Cr-free steel. This fact is attributed to the difference in corrosion film created on the
corrosion surface. The Iinepipe steel with the Cr content of 0.5 % proved to have sulfide stress corrosion cracking resistance as Iarge as the sour resistant Iinepipe steel.
Keywords: Sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSC), Hydrogen induced cracking (HIC), Linepipe, Chromium, Hydrogen sulfide.