Since the first steps of the Norwegian Offshore Petroleum Industry were taken in the late sixties, several philosophies and generations of tools for pipeline integrity monitoring have been utilized. This paper presents and discusses the Norwegian Regulatory Requirements relevant for internal integrity monitoring of pipelines on the continental shelf. It is pointed out that, for several pipeline systems, the establishment of an internal
baseline and subsequent inspections by intelligent pigs at intewals that are partly adjusted based on operational experience, is of vital importance in the continuous effort to maintain and develop the high availability of oil and gas through the Norwegian pipeline grid. It is also pointed out that the selection of philosophy and technology for integrity
monitoring should include an evaluation of the continuous corrosivity of the transported products, the consequences of failures for personnel, the environment, the economic investment and the income of the society.
Key words: Norwegian Petroleum Regulations, Pipelines, Corrosion, Integrity Monitoring, Intelligent Pigs