A corrosion rate prediction program was developed in 1984 based on the results of two research programs carried out bctwccn 1979 and 1984. Then based on the field experience and published case histories. the critical corrosive conditions and related parameters, for different scrviccs, were identified. Empirical references were introduced to make the correlation bctwccn the laboratory results and field data. Since then it has been continuously improved. b! combining the research results, published works and especially field data, in order to extend the limits of its validity and its accuracy. For the validation of the model, the estimated corrosion rates have been compared to about 90 case histories (gas/oil lines and gas/oil wells) from 16 fields in the North Sea, Middle East, Far East and South America. Predicted corrosion rates and actual corrosion rates are of the same order of magnitude. The calculated corrosion rate is mainly dependent on temperature, quantity of dissolved CO2 in the water phase, water chemistry, characteristics of the produced fluid, flow velocity, flow regime and material composition. The paper describes the basic model and the modifications which predictlon of corrosion rates in both oil and gas production networks
Keywords: CO2 corrosion, H2S corrosion, corrosion rate prediction, have been introduced localized corrosion.