
51317-9103-Application of electrochemical noise technique to monitor carbon steel corrosion under sand deposit

The corrosion process of carbon steel in the presence of silica sand deposit in chloride-containing solution at 30 °C was monitored by use of electrochemical noise (EN). Results demonstrated that electrochemical noise with recurrence quantification analysis is useful for monitoring localized under deposit corrosion.

Product Number: 51317-9103-SG
Author: Yang Hou / Chris Aldrich / Katerina Lepkova / Laura Machuca Suarez / Brian Kinsella
Publication Date: 2017

The corrosion process of carbon steel in the presence of silica sand deposit in chloride-containing solution at 30 °C was monitored by use of electrochemical noise (EN). Noise resistance calculated from EN was compared with the polarization resistance obtained from conventional corrosion monitoring techniques, such as linear polarization resistance (LPR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) was employed to characterize the current noise data associated with different corrosion types and the extracted variables were used for UDC process monitoring. After tests, the corroded steel surfaces were examined using a 3D profilometry to gather information about localized defects. The results demonstrated that electrochemical noise associated with recurrence quantification analysis is a useful tool for monitoring localized corrosion of under deposit corrosion.

Key words: Conference papers, 2017 conference papers, Carbon steel, Sand deposit, Electrochemical noise, Corrosion monitoring, Recurrence quantification analysis.


The corrosion process of carbon steel in the presence of silica sand deposit in chloride-containing solution at 30 °C was monitored by use of electrochemical noise (EN). Noise resistance calculated from EN was compared with the polarization resistance obtained from conventional corrosion monitoring techniques, such as linear polarization resistance (LPR) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) was employed to characterize the current noise data associated with different corrosion types and the extracted variables were used for UDC process monitoring. After tests, the corroded steel surfaces were examined using a 3D profilometry to gather information about localized defects. The results demonstrated that electrochemical noise associated with recurrence quantification analysis is a useful tool for monitoring localized corrosion of under deposit corrosion.

Key words: Conference papers, 2017 conference papers, Carbon steel, Sand deposit, Electrochemical noise, Corrosion monitoring, Recurrence quantification analysis.


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Product Number: 51319-13100-SG
Author: Pavan Shukla
Publication Date: 2019

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On-Line Real Time Electrochemical Corrosion Monitoring in Low Conductivity Fluids – Sulfolane Aromatic Extraction – Part 2

Product Number: 51319-13153-SG
Author: Slawomir Kus
Publication Date: 2019

On-line real time corrosion monitoring in processes featuring low conductivity fluids akin to sulfolane aromatic extraction have represented a challenge for traditional electrochemical techniques. Sulfolane specific conductance that is typically about 5mS/cm enables proper determination of corrosion current with standard Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) technology. Other electrochemical techniques such as Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) or Zero Resistance Ammetry (ZRA) are useful mostly in laboratory practice but offer little or no utility for field-operational regime. Therefore corrosion processes in sulfolane units are mostly monitored by time-lagging techniques like electrical resistance (ER) and corrosion coupons or by purely qualitative approaches utilizing sulfolane color as the “corrosion indicator”.The authors’ earlier work on multi-electrochemical industrial corrosion monitoring technique integrating impedance measurement Electrochemical Noise (ECN) and Harmonic Distortion Analysis showed demonstrable efficacy in fast and accurate determination of instantaneous corrosion rate in low-conductivity sulfolane solutions. Initial data generated showed that properly adjusted surface area of the electrode facilitates attainment of stable corrosion trends in sulfolane solutions at conductance of about 2-5 mS/cm. Rapid response of the sensor to process changes (temperature oxygen water) in both general and localized modes was also observed.The current paper provides additional data and insights from the authors’ continuing research on sulfolane corrosivity utilizing industrial-type corrosion sensors. Results from comprehensive evaluation of properties of the aqueous phase as well as other relevant process parameters on general and localized corrosion of ferrous metallurgy in sulfolane applications are presented in this paper. Keywords: on-line corrosion monitoring electrochemical sulfolane aromatic extraction