
11267 Influence of Test Conditions and Test Methods in the Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitors Used in Pipelines - A Review

Product Number: 51300-11267-SG
ISBN: 11267 2011 CP
Author: Mari Sparr
Publication Date: 2011
One way to mitigate corrosion is by adding corrosion inhibitors to the system. Many different factors influence the inhibition efficiency and it is well known that slight changes in the chemistry changes inhibitor efficiency. In order to improve the performance of corrosion inhibitors and to develop more cost-effective inhibitors a fundamental understanding is needed. The test conditions will influence the measured effectiveness of the inhibitor and the effect of operation parameters and laboratory methods. It is therefore important to evaluate how different factors influence the experiment.

Key words: Corrosion inhibitors, tests methods, test conditions, pipelines and oil and gas.
One way to mitigate corrosion is by adding corrosion inhibitors to the system. Many different factors influence the inhibition efficiency and it is well known that slight changes in the chemistry changes inhibitor efficiency. In order to improve the performance of corrosion inhibitors and to develop more cost-effective inhibitors a fundamental understanding is needed. The test conditions will influence the measured effectiveness of the inhibitor and the effect of operation parameters and laboratory methods. It is therefore important to evaluate how different factors influence the experiment.

Key words: Corrosion inhibitors, tests methods, test conditions, pipelines and oil and gas.
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