The high-density clear brine, such as CaCl2 has been widely applied in the oil and gas
exploration field as completion or packer fluid, however, some failure cases of duplex stainless steels or
super martensitic stainless steels in high density CaCl2 brine have been reported. The effects of oxygen
and/or production gas (CO2/H2S) contamination, or H2S formation as decomposition products of
NaSCN-type inhibitor have been discussed. In this study, the compatibility between brine packages and
Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) materials used in the tubing and down hole equipments have been
examined. The brine packages mean the brine and other additives like oxygen scavenger and inhibitor.
The CRA materials evaluated in this study for tubing are super martensitic stainless steels and duplex
stainless steels, and for down hole equipment are super martensitic stainless steels and austenitic
precipitated hardened steels. The brines are NaBr/KCl, NaBr, CaBr2, ZnBr2/CaBr2/CaCl2 and
ZnBr2/CaBr2 with the combination of inhibitor (amine base or NaSCN type). The SCC susceptibility for
each CRA materials in each combination of brine packages is evaluated. The suitable combination for
each CRAs and brine packages is recommended.
Key words: Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC), OCTG, Down Hole Equipment, Brine, Compatibility