This paper will provide a comprehensive literature survey on the selection criterion and compatibility of
elastomeric materials to gasoline mixtures containing various concentrations of oxygenated
hydrocarbons, with a special emphasis on Ethanol (EtOH) gasoline blends. An overview of practical and
technical considerations in the usage of EtOH blends is also provided. A special emphasis is given on
the compatibility of elastomeric gaskets, O-rings and seals to the EtOH blends. A wide spectrum of
material properties; such as mechanical properties, chemical resistance, swelling and permeability of
oxygenated gasoline mixtures through various elastomeric materials are compiled from literature and
various standards in the public and private domains. A set of test activities was proposed for evaluation
of the performance of various elastomers exposure to several EtOH/gasoline blends.
Keywords: elastomers, ethanol/gasoline blends, swelling, hardness, compression-set, stress relaxation.