processes both the associated gas received from oil wells and the non-associated gas (Khuff gas)
received from gas wells. These gas streams are crucial to meet the growing domestic gas demand as well
as of great significance for future mode of operation.
The associated gas received from oil wells utilizes mostly carbon steel as the predominant metallurgy.
On the other hand, the metallurgy used for handling the Khuff gas stream includes carbon steel with
either chemical treatment or internal lining and stainless steel, depending on the operating envelope.
This paper discusses the performance of these materials under different operating envelopes and the
integrity concerns due to environmental cracking focusing on case histories related to hydrogen induced
cracking, hydrogen blisters and chloride stress corrosion cracking. Moreover, this paper will also focus
on the challenges associated in quantifying the magnitude of impact with the conventional
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) techniques, ongoing efforts to manage the concerns by deploying
advanced NDE technologies, and the options pursued to restore the integrity of these systems to ensure
safe and reliable operations.
Key Words: Khuff gas, environmental cracking, chloride stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen induced
cracking, hydrogen blisters, integrity, synergistic effect, tensile stress, applied stress, propagation