The presence of acetic acid (HAc) has been identified as one factor that may contribute
to enhance localized top-of-line corrosion attacks in gas condensate pipelines. The role of HAc
on the growth of localized attacks in CO2 corrosion of carbon steel pipelines was studied by
means of a pre-initiated localized attack electrode assembly (“artificial pit electrode”). The
current flowing between the localized attack and the outer surface was measured with a zero
resistance ammeter. It is shown that the corrosion potential increases with increasing HAc
concentration. Depletion of HAc inside the attack imposed a potential difference that triggered
the propagation of the attack at room temperature. The attack did not propagate in absence of
HAc. The growth of the attack was self-sustained only to a certain depth, beyond which the
dissolution current at the bottom of the attack vanished. This is in good agreement with field
observations in the case of top-of-line corrosion phenomena.
Keywords: CO2 corrosion, pipeline steel, acetic acid, localized attacks