
09136 Pipe-to Soil Potential Measurements in Paved Areas

Product Number: 51300-09136-SG
ISBN: 09136 2009 CP
Author: David H. Kroon and David Aguiar
Publication Date: 2009
When assessing pipeline integrity by External Corrosion Direct Assessment or Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment, close interval potential surveys are the most useful Indirect Inspection technique. Accurate measurements are imperative. When potentials are measured with industry standard copper / copper sulfate half cells placed on pavement above a buried pipeline, errors are introduced in the readings. On concrete surfaces, these errors can make the potential appear to be more negative by as much as 250 mV. Where an ECDA or SCCDA project is performed on a pipeline segment under pavement, and close interval, pipe-to-soil potential measurements are chosen as one of the indirect inspection tools, the pavement should be drilled to facilitate half cell contact with the underlying soil.

Key Words: Direct Assessment, External Corrosion Direct Assessment, ECDA, Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment, SSCDA, Indirect Inspections, Pipe-to Soil Potentials, Pavement, Concrete, Asphalt
When assessing pipeline integrity by External Corrosion Direct Assessment or Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment, close interval potential surveys are the most useful Indirect Inspection technique. Accurate measurements are imperative. When potentials are measured with industry standard copper / copper sulfate half cells placed on pavement above a buried pipeline, errors are introduced in the readings. On concrete surfaces, these errors can make the potential appear to be more negative by as much as 250 mV. Where an ECDA or SCCDA project is performed on a pipeline segment under pavement, and close interval, pipe-to-soil potential measurements are chosen as one of the indirect inspection tools, the pavement should be drilled to facilitate half cell contact with the underlying soil.

Key Words: Direct Assessment, External Corrosion Direct Assessment, ECDA, Stress Corrosion Cracking Direct Assessment, SSCDA, Indirect Inspections, Pipe-to Soil Potentials, Pavement, Concrete, Asphalt
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