
09074 Corrosion Control of Above Ground Storage Tank Bottom Steel Plates Using Aluminum Mesh Anode with Newly Developed Backfill

Product Number: 51300-09074-SG
ISBN: 09074 2009 CP
Author: Miki Funahashi
Publication Date: 2009
Above-ground storage tank bottoms are subject to corrosion. The tank bottoms have been protected from corrosion by several methods, including oil sand, asphalt sand or impressed current cathodic protection. The insulating property of the oil and asphalt supposes to stop corrosion; however, the effectiveness of this approach has been questioned due to corrosion failure resulting from insufficient dielectric protection. Impressed current CP electrochemically stops the corrosion on the tank plates in contact with sand or soil underneath. However, it cannot protect the plate once it loses the contact with the soil. In addition, if the transformer rectifier or the system hardware fails, the cathodic protection is not effective until it repairs or replaced.

A new sacrificial anode system was developed using aluminum mesh with a high pH modified sand backfill to overcome the problems raised by the other corrosion control systems. This paper will discuss the new sacrificial anode CP system.

Key words: above-ground storage tank, sacrificial anode, cathodic protection, aluminum mesh anode, passive film, backfill material, high pH
Above-ground storage tank bottoms are subject to corrosion. The tank bottoms have been protected from corrosion by several methods, including oil sand, asphalt sand or impressed current cathodic protection. The insulating property of the oil and asphalt supposes to stop corrosion; however, the effectiveness of this approach has been questioned due to corrosion failure resulting from insufficient dielectric protection. Impressed current CP electrochemically stops the corrosion on the tank plates in contact with sand or soil underneath. However, it cannot protect the plate once it loses the contact with the soil. In addition, if the transformer rectifier or the system hardware fails, the cathodic protection is not effective until it repairs or replaced.

A new sacrificial anode system was developed using aluminum mesh with a high pH modified sand backfill to overcome the problems raised by the other corrosion control systems. This paper will discuss the new sacrificial anode CP system.

Key words: above-ground storage tank, sacrificial anode, cathodic protection, aluminum mesh anode, passive film, backfill material, high pH
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ISBN: 08058 2008 CP
Author: Bipradas Chatterjee
Publication Date: 2008
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