
08674 Modern Packaging Materials for Electronic Equipment: Biodegradable and Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitor Treated

Product Number: 51300-08674-SG
ISBN: 08674 2008 CP
Author: Bob Berg
Publication Date: 2008
Biodegradable products are becoming an ever increasing forced decision rather than a choice, due to the swelling landfills in the U.S. and throughout the world. With the biodegradation rate of roughly one hundred years for standard petrochemical derived plastics, there is simply no more room for these plastics. One of the biggest culprits of this problem, are non biodegradable plastic bags or films used for consumer use and in industrial shipping. More and more companies are distributing biodegradable bags or films but with customer’s alike, giving feedback that price and mechanical properties of these mainly starch based materials, are less than adequate for their application. Therefore, there is a demand for a biodegradable bag or film, with mechanical properties comparable to non biodegradable plastics but with a similar cost. With this in mind, the packaging of electrical equipment using a biodegradable film with similar properties and price to a non biodegradable film is sought [1]. This paper presents a description of a biodegradable film that will provide excellent contact, barrier and vapor phase corrosion inhibition, along with static decay and surface resistivity values, that fall into the anti-stat range, otherwise known as a Anti-stat Biodegradable Corrosion inhibiting film (ABC film).
Biodegradable products are becoming an ever increasing forced decision rather than a choice, due to the swelling landfills in the U.S. and throughout the world. With the biodegradation rate of roughly one hundred years for standard petrochemical derived plastics, there is simply no more room for these plastics. One of the biggest culprits of this problem, are non biodegradable plastic bags or films used for consumer use and in industrial shipping. More and more companies are distributing biodegradable bags or films but with customer’s alike, giving feedback that price and mechanical properties of these mainly starch based materials, are less than adequate for their application. Therefore, there is a demand for a biodegradable bag or film, with mechanical properties comparable to non biodegradable plastics but with a similar cost. With this in mind, the packaging of electrical equipment using a biodegradable film with similar properties and price to a non biodegradable film is sought [1]. This paper presents a description of a biodegradable film that will provide excellent contact, barrier and vapor phase corrosion inhibition, along with static decay and surface resistivity values, that fall into the anti-stat range, otherwise known as a Anti-stat Biodegradable Corrosion inhibiting film (ABC film).
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Product Number: 51300-02322-SG
ISBN: 02322 2002 CP
Author: Christophe Chandler
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08652 Molecular Identification of MIC Bacteria from Scale and Produced Water: Similarities and Differences

Product Number: 51300-08652-SG
ISBN: 08652 2008 CP
Author: Jan Larsen, Torben Lund Skovhus, Aaron Marc Saunders, Bo Hojris, and Mikkel Agerbaek
Publication Date: 2008
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08649 Development and Field Deployment of a Novel Acidic Triethylene Glycol Buffer Chemical for Bringing Gas Dehydrators Back into Specification

Product Number: 51300-08649-SG
ISBN: 08649 2008 CP
Author: Jonathan J. Wylde and Alistair W. Duthie
Publication Date: 2008