Field experience suggests that localized corrosion is the major cause of failures in oil and gas production
facilities. Significant efforts are currently being directed toward the development of reliable laboratory
protocols as well as field corrosion monitoring techniques that will allow the evaluation of the
performance of corrosion inhibitors against localized corrosion and their selection for a particular
application. A recently developed localized corrosion monitoring technique was used in this study. The
paper describes the use of new transient data analysis to provide information regarding the magnitude
and the rate of the localized attack that previously could only be obtained by microscopic analysis. The
results of the direct analysis of the data show that prior knowledge about the morphology of the
localized attack for given conditions can help in tuning the calculation algorithm for more accurate
determinations of the magnitude of the attack. The experimental protocol consisted of the use of jet
impingement measurements as a way of accelerating the occurrence of the localized attack in CO2
environment in a short duration test.