
07420 Factors that Influence the Performance of High-Temperature Coatings

Product Number: 51300-07420-SG
ISBN: 07420 2007 CP
Author: David A. Shifler
Publication Date: 2007
High-temperature materials such as MCrAlY, aluminide, silicon-base environmental barrier, and thermal barrier coatings, as well as nickel- and cobalt-based superalloys, ceramic matrix composites, and ceramics are used in various corrosive environments. Materials that may be resistant to one environment may be susceptible in other environments. The interaction of the protective oxide of the given material changes as a function of a number of factors. The increasing desire to raise temperatures in different high-temperature applications requires a thorough understanding of those factors influencing passivity in order to develop and implement alternative, more corrosion-resistant materials. This paper will examine some of the factors that influence the interaction of high-temperature materials with several corrosive species and offers observations and recommendations improve the service life of these materials.
High-temperature materials such as MCrAlY, aluminide, silicon-base environmental barrier, and thermal barrier coatings, as well as nickel- and cobalt-based superalloys, ceramic matrix composites, and ceramics are used in various corrosive environments. Materials that may be resistant to one environment may be susceptible in other environments. The interaction of the protective oxide of the given material changes as a function of a number of factors. The increasing desire to raise temperatures in different high-temperature applications requires a thorough understanding of those factors influencing passivity in order to develop and implement alternative, more corrosion-resistant materials. This paper will examine some of the factors that influence the interaction of high-temperature materials with several corrosive species and offers observations and recommendations improve the service life of these materials.
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