For the past decade there has been relatively wide acceptance in using composite materials to repair damaged
has and liquid transmission pipelines. There have been numerous independent research programs performed by
pipeline companies, research organizations, and manufacturers that have contributed to the acceptance of
composites as a legitimate repair material. Additionally, insights have been gained by both pipeline operators
and composite repair manufacturers during field installations. ASME has also responded by adding sections to
both the ASME B31.4 and B31.8 pipeline codes, as well as currently developing a repair standard for nonmetallic
composite repair systems by the Post Construction Committee.
The purpose of this paper is to provide for the pipeline industry guidelines for using composite repair systems to
repair pipelines and what information is needed to properly evaluate how composite materials should be used to
repair high pressure pipelines. The contents of the paper will include discussions on what critical elements should
be evaluated for each composite system, items of caution and concern, and the importance of evaluation to ensure
safe long-term performance.