
07118 Chemistry and Corrosion Rates under Pipeline Disbonded Coatings With or Without Cathodic Protection

The transport of dissolved O2, and that of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) if present, into the disbonded region through holiday can be key to determining the disbonded corrosion rate. The evolution of chemistry in the disbonded region and the transient behavior of corrosion potential and rate in the disbonded region are investigated and reported in this work.

Product Number: 51300-07118-SG
ISBN: 07118 2007 CP
Author: Fengmei Song and Narasi Sridhar
Publication Date: 2007

Underground steel pipelines are protected by coatings and cathodic protection (CP). Pipeline corrosion occurs when the coating is disbonded away from a defect (or holiday). The corrosion rate varies spatially along the disbondment (or crevice). In the presence of dissolved oxygen (O2) in soil ground water, a differential O2 concentration cell may develop in the disbonded region because O2 diffuses more readily into the disbonded region through holiday than through the disbonded coating. CP can decrease or eliminate the O2 concentration cell depending on the potential applied at the holiday. Since pipeline coatings are usually ionically non-conductive, CP is unable to protect the steel surface under the disbonded region. The transport of dissolved O2, and that of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) if present, into the disbonded region through holiday can be key to determining the disbonded corrosion rate. The evolution of chemistry in the disbonded region and the transient behavior of corrosion potential and rate in the disbonded region are investigated and reported in this work.

Underground steel pipelines are protected by coatings and cathodic protection (CP). Pipeline corrosion occurs when the coating is disbonded away from a defect (or holiday). The corrosion rate varies spatially along the disbondment (or crevice). In the presence of dissolved oxygen (O2) in soil ground water, a differential O2 concentration cell may develop in the disbonded region because O2 diffuses more readily into the disbonded region through holiday than through the disbonded coating. CP can decrease or eliminate the O2 concentration cell depending on the potential applied at the holiday. Since pipeline coatings are usually ionically non-conductive, CP is unable to protect the steel surface under the disbonded region. The transport of dissolved O2, and that of dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) if present, into the disbonded region through holiday can be key to determining the disbonded corrosion rate. The evolution of chemistry in the disbonded region and the transient behavior of corrosion potential and rate in the disbonded region are investigated and reported in this work.

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