
07075 Aft Anode Sled Failure at a Floating Production Unit Hull

Product Number: 51300-07075-SG
ISBN: 07075 2007 CP
Author: Robert J. Franco, Jim Britton, William Jamrok, Gregg H. Germer, and Abel Luna
Publication Date: 2007
An Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) with remote anodes on the seabed was installed on the Zafiro Producer, a floating production facility to extend the vessel hull life. Seven months after the installation, the aft anode sled suddenly failed. Subsea components of the anode sled were retrieved and exhibited severe metal loss and high temperature exposure. The investigation team determined that a lightning strike was the most likely cause of failure. This paper discusses how a lightning strike to the floating production unit damaged the remote anode sled on the seabed.
An Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) with remote anodes on the seabed was installed on the Zafiro Producer, a floating production facility to extend the vessel hull life. Seven months after the installation, the aft anode sled suddenly failed. Subsea components of the anode sled were retrieved and exhibited severe metal loss and high temperature exposure. The investigation team determined that a lightning strike was the most likely cause of failure. This paper discusses how a lightning strike to the floating production unit damaged the remote anode sled on the seabed.
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