
07012 Repair Coating Systems for Bare Steel: Effect of Pre-Treatment and Conditions during Application and Curing

Product Number: 51300-07012-SG
ISBN: 07012 2007 CP
Author: Astrid Bjerrgum, Ole 0ystein Knudsen, Ann Karin Kvernbraten, and Roy Johnsen
Publication Date: 2007
Before new coating systems are introduced on offshore installations on the Norwegian sector they need to be pre-qualified according to the NORSOK M-501 standard "Surface preparation and protective coating". However, the ideal conditions, under which standard test specimens are prepared, are unrealistic during coating maintenance offshore. In this work we have studied the effect of coating application and curing conditions on corrosion and adhesion properties of repair coating systems to be used on offshore structures after cleaning down to bare steel. Pre-rusted steel panels cleaned by ultra high pressure water jetting, blast cleaning and mechanical grinding were used as substrates. The surface salt concentration and level of flash rusting when paint was applied were generally comparable to real offshore conditions. Coatings were applied and cured in a climate cabinet at environmental conditions simulating the weather conditions in the North Sea, e.g., at 10°C and 80 % relative humidity. The effect of application and curing conditions on corrosion and adhesion properties of more than 30 coating systems was investigated by ageing resistance testing in accordance to IS0 20340, procedure A and field exposure.
Before new coating systems are introduced on offshore installations on the Norwegian sector they need to be pre-qualified according to the NORSOK M-501 standard "Surface preparation and protective coating". However, the ideal conditions, under which standard test specimens are prepared, are unrealistic during coating maintenance offshore. In this work we have studied the effect of coating application and curing conditions on corrosion and adhesion properties of repair coating systems to be used on offshore structures after cleaning down to bare steel. Pre-rusted steel panels cleaned by ultra high pressure water jetting, blast cleaning and mechanical grinding were used as substrates. The surface salt concentration and level of flash rusting when paint was applied were generally comparable to real offshore conditions. Coatings were applied and cured in a climate cabinet at environmental conditions simulating the weather conditions in the North Sea, e.g., at 10°C and 80 % relative humidity. The effect of application and curing conditions on corrosion and adhesion properties of more than 30 coating systems was investigated by ageing resistance testing in accordance to IS0 20340, procedure A and field exposure.
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