
04528 High Temperature Electrochemical Corrosion Rate Probes for Combustion Environments

Electrochemical corrosion rate probes have been constructed and tested along with mass loss coupons in an air plus water vapor and a N2/O2/CO2 plus water vapor environment. Temperatures ranged from 200º to 700ºC. Results show that electrochemical corrosion rates for ash-covered mild steel are a function of time, temperature and process environment.



Product Number: 51300-04528-SG
ISBN: 04528 2004 CP
Author: Bernard S. Covino Jr., Sophie J. Bullard, Stephen D. Cramer, Gordon R. Holcomb, and Malgorzata Ziome
Publication Date: 2005

Electrochemical corrosion rate probes have been constructed and tested along with mass loss coupons in an air plus water vapor and a N2/O2/CO2 plus water vapor environment. Temperatures ranged from 200º to 700ºC. Results show that electrochemical corrosion rates for ash-covered mild steel are a function of time, temperature and process environment. Correlation between the electrochemical and mass loss corrosion rates was poor.


Keywords: corrosion, coal combustion, gaseous, electrochemical noise, harmonic distortion, linear polarization resistance, high temperature.

Electrochemical corrosion rate probes have been constructed and tested along with mass loss coupons in an air plus water vapor and a N2/O2/CO2 plus water vapor environment. Temperatures ranged from 200º to 700ºC. Results show that electrochemical corrosion rates for ash-covered mild steel are a function of time, temperature and process environment. Correlation between the electrochemical and mass loss corrosion rates was poor.


Keywords: corrosion, coal combustion, gaseous, electrochemical noise, harmonic distortion, linear polarization resistance, high temperature.

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