
03614 Accelerated FRP Corrosion Testing using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis

Product Number: 51300-03614-SG
ISBN: 03614 2003 CP
Author: Michael G. Stevens
The industry standard for evaluating the suitability of a fiber-reinforced composite (FRP) has been the ASTM C-581 test procedure. In this test, a coupon is made to simulate the corrosion barrier. Several sample coupons are then immersed into the solution that is being evaluated at the desired test temperature and tested at 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month intervals. The tests run are flexural strength, flexural modulus and surface hardness. A new way for evaluating the test coupons is being evaluated and will be discussed in this paper. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) is a test that is non-destructive and can be run on the same test coupon over the entire test period. The samples can be pulled, tested and then placed back into the test solution. This may eliminate the variability that is seen between the coupons. Another advantage to using DMA is that a modulus versus temperature scan can be run on the sample that will give information on the type of attack that is occurring. This may also be able to predict if a resin system is suitable for a chemical environment at an earlier time in the test such as 3 or 6 months instead of 12 months.
The industry standard for evaluating the suitability of a fiber-reinforced composite (FRP) has been the ASTM C-581 test procedure. In this test, a coupon is made to simulate the corrosion barrier. Several sample coupons are then immersed into the solution that is being evaluated at the desired test temperature and tested at 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, and 12 month intervals. The tests run are flexural strength, flexural modulus and surface hardness. A new way for evaluating the test coupons is being evaluated and will be discussed in this paper. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) is a test that is non-destructive and can be run on the same test coupon over the entire test period. The samples can be pulled, tested and then placed back into the test solution. This may eliminate the variability that is seen between the coupons. Another advantage to using DMA is that a modulus versus temperature scan can be run on the sample that will give information on the type of attack that is occurring. This may also be able to predict if a resin system is suitable for a chemical environment at an earlier time in the test such as 3 or 6 months instead of 12 months.
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