Atmospheric corrosion in steel framed houses was investigated with Fe-Ag galvanic type atmospheric corrosion monitoring (ACM) sensors. As the environmental conditions, temperature, humidity and current of the ACM sensors were continuously measured in main structural members
of the houses for five years. The corrosion rates of hot-dip galvanized light gauge steels were also determined by measurement with the ACM sensors and exposure tests. The lifetimes of the steels in the houses were discussed. Deposition of sea salt influences corrosion resistance of the Zn coated steels. Under the indoor conditions of the inhabited house, in which the amount of deposited sea salt was very small, there were not definite differences in corrosion rates among three types of Zn and Zn-Al coated steels in accelerated corrosion tests.
Keywords: ACM Sensor, atmospheric corrosion, steel framed house, Zn coated steel sheet