Corrosion tests were conducted to select the material for the decomposition reactor using the SCWO process for organic wastes generated from nuclear plant. Examination conditions were determined assuming the decomposition of chloro-prene and cation exchange resin which generate chloric ion and sulfuric ion. First, in order to select
condidate materials, short-period screening tests were carried out on various high corrosion resistance materials at 400°C and 28.5MPa in 2%HCl solution with 2%H2O2 and 2%H2SO4 solution with 2%H2O2. Then, long-period corrosion tests were carried out for Ta, Ti and Ti alloys to estimate the corrosion rate and to evaluate the applicability. The
results of these tests indicate that the corrosion resistance of Ti alloys is sufficient for them to be applied as reactor materials for the organic waste decomposition systems using SCWO process.
Keyword: SCWO, Ta, Ti, Ti alloys, corrosion rate, organic wastes