At a five year old producing project in the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico, a sea water flood has been proposed. One of the consequences of such a flood is the souring and compaction potential of the reservoir after the seawater is injected. To assess the effect of souring on the casing already in place modified NACE tensile tests were conducted. The test
was modified specific to the environment and stress situation projected for the project. The modified test provided a conservative evaluation of sulfide stress cracking susceptibility of the casing in the specific environment souring conditions. The specific objective of these tests was
to determine the applicability of CYP-110 casing in high strain, H2S concentrations, and pH that may be encountered during the water flood. A casing alloy was tested in twelve separate test environments that included four H2S concentrations (0.03, 0.30, 0.60, and 3.0 psia H2S,
balance N2), three strain levels (4, 6, and 8%), pH 7.4 at 130°F for 30 days.
Keywords: sour gas testing, controlled yield casing, strain effects