The application discussed in this paper describes improvements to a scrubbing system used to remove Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) from various plant vent streams. The previous system required a sodium hydroxide (caustic) solution to neutralize the HCl fumes. The cost of the caustic was more than $30,000 per month. To reduce costs, it was proposed to design a system that would use water for scrubbing. The system would be expected to have a life in excess of 20 years. After the process design was complete, the available materials of construction were evaluated and the decision was made to build the scrubbers from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). The packing, packing supports and other internals were fabricated from Polypropylene (PP). All of the connecting ductwork was made from HDPE. The blowers that draw the fumes through the unit were fabricated from fiberglass and the air exited the unit through a HDPE stack. The associated piping was PP lined steel pipe. There were no problems with the start up of the unit and the required emission level was successfully met. The unit has seen smooth and trouble free operation since startup, which was in the 4th quarter of 1997.