Themiocouple sheatlfing requires corrosion resistance and high temperature strength without the use of elements that nmy poison the lhennocouple. The restriction of certain alloying elements limits the possible additions for corrosion resistance and strength that can be used. Tile development of an alloy with good high temperature oxidation resistance and strength is challenging. This paper introduces a new nickel-chromium alloy with improved oxidation and nitridation resistance over alloys currently used for thermoocouple sheaths. The new alloy's perlbrmance in oxidation tests over tile temperature range of 900° to 1300°C is discussed. Tile results from nitridation and carburization tests are also compared to those obtained for alloy 600, alloy HX and 310 stainless steel. Keywords: nickel-chrotnitml alloys, alloy 600, alloy HX, stailflcss steels, oxidation, carburizalion, ttitridation, sulfidation.
tllermocouple sheathing. Ihernlocouple