There are more than 47,000 publicly-owned roadway bridges in Canada.1 Over 25% of these bridges have main structural load bearing components made of structural steel (i.e., truss and steel girder bridges) based on data from the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario – MTO.2 According to Statistics Canada, the condition of approximately 40% of these bridges is rated as either very poor (unfit for sustained service), poor (increasing potential of affecting service), or fair (requires attention).3 It was reported by Koch et al.4 that corrosion is one of the main reasons that lead to structural deficiency of steel components of highway bridges. Especially in marine environments, steel bridges are at risk of high rates of corrosion, particularly beyond 15-20 years in service.5 This observation can be expanded to locations where the use of de-icing salt is common practice such as urban areas in North America. In addition, future climatic changes that are evident (i.e., change in temperature and relative humidity) may potentially affect the rate of corrosion-induced deterioration and affect the resistance of bridges against various load types throughout their life-cycle.