
Painting Practices for Floating, Storage and Offloading Systems

Floating production storage offloading (FPSO) system hulls physically resemble ocean going transport vessels but operate more like fixed offshore structures. FPSOs normally are moored in deep water and are connected to unique riser systems. As these production systems are typically designed for long life, 20 to 30 years, corrosion control of the hull is extremely critical to help assure the required performance is obtained. 

Product Number: 41211-655-SG
Author: Michael B. Surkein, Robert H Rogers, Sophia Woodley
Publication Date: 2011
Industry: Coatings

Floating production storage offloading (FPSO) system hulls physically resemble ocean going transport vessels but operate more like fixed offshore structures. FPSOs normally are moored in deep water and are connected to unique riser systems. As these production systems are typically designed for long life, 20 to 30 years, corrosion control of the hull is extremely critical to help assure the required performance is obtained. An FPSO can be a new build or a converted tanker. In either case, the requirement for a robust high performance corrosion control design is essential to help assure the design life is achieved in a safe reliable manner. The corrosion control design for the hull includes the use of coatings in conjunction with a cathodic protection system. The type of cathodic protection system used for an FPSO hull can be either an impressed current type or by galvanic (or sacrificial) anodes. However, normally galvanic anodes are utilized. For the topsides, coatings are the primary defense against corrosion. Selection of the appropriate coating coupled with a well-defined inspection program is necessary to achieve the required performance. This paper will cover the numerous types of coatings used and address details of a well-developed inspection plan.

Floating production storage offloading (FPSO) system hulls physically resemble ocean going transport vessels but operate more like fixed offshore structures. FPSOs normally are moored in deep water and are connected to unique riser systems. As these production systems are typically designed for long life, 20 to 30 years, corrosion control of the hull is extremely critical to help assure the required performance is obtained. An FPSO can be a new build or a converted tanker. In either case, the requirement for a robust high performance corrosion control design is essential to help assure the design life is achieved in a safe reliable manner. The corrosion control design for the hull includes the use of coatings in conjunction with a cathodic protection system. The type of cathodic protection system used for an FPSO hull can be either an impressed current type or by galvanic (or sacrificial) anodes. However, normally galvanic anodes are utilized. For the topsides, coatings are the primary defense against corrosion. Selection of the appropriate coating coupled with a well-defined inspection program is necessary to achieve the required performance. This paper will cover the numerous types of coatings used and address details of a well-developed inspection plan.

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