
Evaluation of Processing Parameters in Friction Welding by Typical Lathe Machine

Friction welding process has been used widely in the manufacturing world. It is an adjustable and
tolerant process that is capable of joining most engineering materials. It has been used in many
application such as aerospace manufacturing industries. The main purpose that is hoped to achieve in
this project is to study the possibility of performing friction welding in a typical lathe machine instead of
CNC or conventional friction welding machine. Also, to check whether the two materials being joined by
lathe machine have a reliable bonding. Different parameters have been considered such as pressure
and RPM in order to achieve the best welding joint. We also studied the material properties of the
welded joint to insure that this bond can be as good as the joint done by a friction welding machine. The
materials that we used on welding are (Steel 070M30 and Aluminum 2011-T3). Certain modifications
were done on lathe machine in order make it suitable for the needed task.

Product Number: MPWT19-15026
Author: Abdullah K. Al-Eid, Faisal Al Shamsi, Musab Al Sayed, Mohammed Al Saied
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Impact of Welder Performance on the Integrity of Welds, and Enhancement of Welds Quality

Product Number: MPWT19-15249
Publication Date: 2019

Piping and pipeline are considered to be 60-70% of the oil and gas industry equipment. One of the most crucial factors to complete high quality projects within planned schedules is to focus on the quality of welding activities. Furthermore, the non-skilled welder is considered as a main parameter to produce welds with imperfections beyond the acceptable limits. Welders should have the required welding skills to perform the welding activities and produce sound welds, resulting in low weld rejection. On the other hand, poor welder’s performance produces low quality welds which affect the integrity of the welds and contribute to project delay and increase costs. This paper addresses methods to qualify welders and monitor their performance throughout the project lifecycle. The paper will study ISO 9606 approval testing of welders, American Welding Society (AWS) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Sec IX minimum requirements to qualify and certify welders. It will also illustrate the main variables that may contribute to high welding rejection rate, that are directly associated with the welders’ qualification and performance. Moreover, it will study the method of qualifying welders for different levels to properly assign welders based on load and criticality to avoid high welding rejection rate. The study shows that welders’ skill is the main parameter to produce high quality welds. Focusing on the causes of common welding defects, then educate and train the welders on the main factors causing these welding defects, will leave an influence to prevent defect recurrence