The pH stabilization technique is an alternative method for corrosion control in wet gas pipelines. The method has mainly been applied in sweet systems with MEG as hydrate preventer. A base is added to increase the pH in the bulk MEG/water phase. A higher pH will increase the risk for scaling in formation waters and the technique is only suited for systems with mainly condensed water.For systems where the risk for production of formation water is very low full pH stabilization may be implemented. This will give conditions that promote formation of very protective corrosion films and the corrosion can be controlled for even high concentrations of CO2. In subsea production systems where some quantities of formation water have to be accepted partial pH stabilization may be implemented in combination with film forming corrosion inhibitor. By use of a scale prediction tool for water/MEG mixtures the critical amount of formation water can be calculated. A scale inhibitor will be used in combination with the film forming inhibitor.Both techniques have been implemented in various production systems and have proven to be robust corrosion control methods. A thorough qualification of chemicals is required and a corrosion management system has to be in place to ensure that all relevant parameters are monitored.