

Product Number: 51300-97151-SG
ISBN: 97151 1997 CP
Author: G. B. Farquhar, R.D. Kane, D. Abayarathna, D. H. Sanders
After preliminary screening of the inhibition characteristics and performance of 5 corrosion inhibitors (designated A, B, C, D, & E) under simulated CO2/H2S environment in the HT-HP flowing autoclave, the best two corrosion inhibitors (corrosion inhibitors A & B) were selected for further flow loop testing under simulated North Sea pipeline service conditions. The worst case pipeline service conditions (90% synthetic field brine/10% hydrocarbon (depolarized kerosene) environment with H2S (partial pressure 0.075 psia [0.5 KPa]) and CO2 (partial pressure 75 psia [0.5 MPa]) were simulated at 300°F. (149°C.) in a laboratory flowloop and the performance of the selected corrosion inhibitor formulations A & Bon API 5L X-65 carbon steal and 0.5 percent Cr X-65 steel were evaluated at two concentrations (100 ppm and 250 ppm by volume). The corrosion rates were monitored at stirred (reservoir), Iaminar and turbulent flow regimes at wall shear stresses corresponding to a range of velocities (4.2, 5.3,6.3,7.0,7.9, 13.1, 15.4, 17.4 and 21.1 ft/sec) using Iinear polarization (LPR) and weight loss techniques. The test remits indicated the folIowing: . Provided the proper concentration of corrosion inhibitor is applied continuously, carbon steel can be satisfactorily inhibited under laboratory test conditions that simulate pipeline worst case corrosion conditions. Corrosion inhibitor “B” was not as effective as corrosion inhibitor “A” requiring about 2.5 times as much “B” as “A” to accomplish the same level of corrosion control under these simulated laboratory test conditions. The results of this corrosion inhibitor ”evaluation program do not support the use of 0.5 Cr X-65 material over X-65. The flowloop test data obtained at higher wall shear stresses indicated, within the limits of the wall shear stress parameters, there was little or no effect on the corrosion inhibitor film being laid down continuously on the metal surface.
After preliminary screening of the inhibition characteristics and performance of 5 corrosion inhibitors (designated A, B, C, D, & E) under simulated CO2/H2S environment in the HT-HP flowing autoclave, the best two corrosion inhibitors (corrosion inhibitors A & B) were selected for further flow loop testing under simulated North Sea pipeline service conditions. The worst case pipeline service conditions (90% synthetic field brine/10% hydrocarbon (depolarized kerosene) environment with H2S (partial pressure 0.075 psia [0.5 KPa]) and CO2 (partial pressure 75 psia [0.5 MPa]) were simulated at 300°F. (149°C.) in a laboratory flowloop and the performance of the selected corrosion inhibitor formulations A & Bon API 5L X-65 carbon steal and 0.5 percent Cr X-65 steel were evaluated at two concentrations (100 ppm and 250 ppm by volume). The corrosion rates were monitored at stirred (reservoir), Iaminar and turbulent flow regimes at wall shear stresses corresponding to a range of velocities (4.2, 5.3,6.3,7.0,7.9, 13.1, 15.4, 17.4 and 21.1 ft/sec) using Iinear polarization (LPR) and weight loss techniques. The test remits indicated the folIowing: . Provided the proper concentration of corrosion inhibitor is applied continuously, carbon steel can be satisfactorily inhibited under laboratory test conditions that simulate pipeline worst case corrosion conditions. Corrosion inhibitor “B” was not as effective as corrosion inhibitor “A” requiring about 2.5 times as much “B” as “A” to accomplish the same level of corrosion control under these simulated laboratory test conditions. The results of this corrosion inhibitor ”evaluation program do not support the use of 0.5 Cr X-65 material over X-65. The flowloop test data obtained at higher wall shear stresses indicated, within the limits of the wall shear stress parameters, there was little or no effect on the corrosion inhibitor film being laid down continuously on the metal surface.
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