Synthesis gas consisting of CO, C02, H2, H2O, and CH4 is the product of steam methane reforming and is an important commercial intermediate. Water condenses during cooling of the syngas after reforming. Carbonic acid corrosicm of carbon steel is inhibited in these wet gas mixtures by the presence of CO. This study invcs :igated the effectiveness of CO in inhibiting the carbonic acid corrosion process as a function of temperature and gas composition. The results indicate that corrosion of carbon steel is not excessive as long as the CO partial pressure is above 7 psi (48.3 kPa) (at temperatures up to at least 120°F (49°C)). Post weld heat treatment is recommended to avoid CO stress corrosion cracking in these systems.
Keywords: carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon steel, inhibition, inhibitors, sweet gases.