A new Ni-base alloy with nominal composition of Fe-47Ni-20.5Cr-3Mo-2Cu-3Nb-1.5Ti is developed to
provide 125 ksi minimum yield strength and an excellent combination of ductility and impact strength.
Testing in various NACE environments has shown that the alloy has excellent stress corrosion and
sulfide stress corrosion resistance. Based on this set of testing, the alloy was incorporated into NACE
MR0175 / ISO-15156 to level VI. In the recent corrosion testing, the alloy passed NACE level VII and
NACE level VI at 450F and was subsequently incorporated into NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156 up to
these limits. A number of mill heats have been melted and processed to establish commercial
availability. In addition to general alloy characteristics, this paper will present development of a 140 ksi
min yield strength derivative of alloy 945. Capability of the alloy to produce pump shaft products for
165 ksi min and 210 ksi min yield strength will also be presented.
Keywords: Ni-based, Alloy 945, sour environments, precipitation hardenable, high strength