
10291 The Effect of Ammonium Bisulphite on Sulphide in Brine/H2S Solution

Product Number: 51300-10291-SG
ISBN: 10291 2010 CP
Author: Daley Lasebikan, Alfred Akisanya, Bill Deans, Donald Macphee and Lindsey Boyle
Publication Date: 2010
Ammonium bisulfite (ABS) is used as an oxygen scavenger by the oil and gas industry in water flood and production systems. ABS is injected into the wellbore production annulus to scavenge any dissolved oxygen in the brine. Such brine used, as part of the well completion process might come into contact with hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The test program evaluated different concentrations of ABS in deaerated deionized water and brine solutions bubbled with H2S. The sulfide level in the deaerated deionized water and brine solutions were measured as a function of the stepwise increase in the ABS concentration.

The objective of this research was to obtain an understanding of the chemistry of ABS combined with H2S in brine solutions. The results established that there is a relationship between the amounts of sulfide measured and increase in ABS concentration in H2S brine solutions at low pH. The difference in the degree of precipitation in the deaerated deionized water and brine solutions were noticeable. The ABS, also behaved like a pH buffer in solution due to relatively constant pH of the solution during precipitation and thereafter. Sulfite was reduced to sulfide and sulfur thus ABS should be included in material qualification test programs of well tubuluars especially where H2S presence is identified.

Key Words: ammonium bisulfite, hydrogen sulfide, brine, sulfide, concentration, precipitation, and pH
Ammonium bisulfite (ABS) is used as an oxygen scavenger by the oil and gas industry in water flood and production systems. ABS is injected into the wellbore production annulus to scavenge any dissolved oxygen in the brine. Such brine used, as part of the well completion process might come into contact with hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The test program evaluated different concentrations of ABS in deaerated deionized water and brine solutions bubbled with H2S. The sulfide level in the deaerated deionized water and brine solutions were measured as a function of the stepwise increase in the ABS concentration.

The objective of this research was to obtain an understanding of the chemistry of ABS combined with H2S in brine solutions. The results established that there is a relationship between the amounts of sulfide measured and increase in ABS concentration in H2S brine solutions at low pH. The difference in the degree of precipitation in the deaerated deionized water and brine solutions were noticeable. The ABS, also behaved like a pH buffer in solution due to relatively constant pH of the solution during precipitation and thereafter. Sulfite was reduced to sulfide and sulfur thus ABS should be included in material qualification test programs of well tubuluars especially where H2S presence is identified.

Key Words: ammonium bisulfite, hydrogen sulfide, brine, sulfide, concentration, precipitation, and pH
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