A multi-electrode array consisting of 24 carbon steel electrodes encased in epoxy has been used
to evaluate inhibitors for control of underdeposit corrosion in the oil and gas industry. The electrode
array enables examination of the effect of varying degrees of pre-corrosion during a single test and
also statistical variation in electrode response. The array is mounted in a cup under sand (simulated
field deposit) and coupled to an external carbon steel electrode in such a way that the galvanic
corrosion current at each electrode can be monitored. The test method was demonstrated on two
different inhibitors exposed to a simulated field brine under sweet (CO2) conditions. The adoption of
the multi-electrode array highlighted the importance of statistical variations in determining the
worst-case corrosion rate, which might otherwise not be identified in conventional tests.
Keywords: inhibition, underdeposit corrosion, multi-electrode