
08629 Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RCE) Simulation of Flow Accelerated Sweet Corrosion

Product Number: 51300-08629-SG
ISBN: 08629 2008 CP
Author: Eric John Wright, Killian Daniel Efird, Jeffrey A. Boros, and Tommy G. Hailey
Publication Date: 2008
The major application of the rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) in the oil and gas industry is as a fluid flow corrosion test device for inhibitors. However, results reported previously by the authors demonstrated that while steel corrosion rates measured in CO2-containing brine using a parallel pipe flow apparatus and a jet impingement apparatus correlate with each other based on calculated wall shear stress, the RCE rotating cylinder corrosion rates do not correlate with either. This lack of correlation has implications for the use of the RCE to simulate flow accelerated corrosion in sweet production. This paper presents the results of an investigation to determine first, why the RCE results do not correlate to parallel pipe flow based on the calculated wall shear stress, and second, whether the conventional RCE can be modified to achieve correlation. Electrochemical corrosion testing of American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 1018 carbon steel in CO2-containing brines was carried out using direct current (DC) linear polarization and alternating current (AC) impedance techniques. This was coupled with examinations of surface films using scanning electron microscopy. Potential implications of these results for the use of the RCE as a screening device for corrosion inhibitor selection for upstream projects are discussed.
The major application of the rotating cylinder electrode (RCE) in the oil and gas industry is as a fluid flow corrosion test device for inhibitors. However, results reported previously by the authors demonstrated that while steel corrosion rates measured in CO2-containing brine using a parallel pipe flow apparatus and a jet impingement apparatus correlate with each other based on calculated wall shear stress, the RCE rotating cylinder corrosion rates do not correlate with either. This lack of correlation has implications for the use of the RCE to simulate flow accelerated corrosion in sweet production. This paper presents the results of an investigation to determine first, why the RCE results do not correlate to parallel pipe flow based on the calculated wall shear stress, and second, whether the conventional RCE can be modified to achieve correlation. Electrochemical corrosion testing of American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 1018 carbon steel in CO2-containing brines was carried out using direct current (DC) linear polarization and alternating current (AC) impedance techniques. This was coupled with examinations of surface films using scanning electron microscopy. Potential implications of these results for the use of the RCE as a screening device for corrosion inhibitor selection for upstream projects are discussed.
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10162 Electrochemical Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitors in CO2 Contining Brines, an RCE and Flow-Loop Comparison

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11274 The Influence of Flow Rate and Inhibitor on The Protective Layer under Erosion-Corrosion Conditions Using Rotating Cylinder Electrode

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ISBN: 11274 2011 CP
Author: Abdulmuhsen Akbar, Xinming Hu, Anne Neville and Chun Wang
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