
07605 Influence of Cold Work on IGSCC of 316 Stainless Steel in Hydrogenated High-Temperature Water

Product Number: 51300-07605-SG
ISBN: 07605 2007 CP
Author: Takumi Terachi, Takuyo Yamada, Goro Chiba, and Koji Arioka
Publication Date: 2007
The intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) behavior of cold-worked 316 stainless steels in hydrogenated high-temperature water (500 ppm B + 2 ppm Li + 30 cc/kg-H2O-STP DH2) were investigated using compact tension specimens that had been cold-worked in the T-S orientation. The crack growth rates were examined as a function of cold work, temperature and stress intensity. In addition, the influence of cold work on corrosion was investigated. The results of the CT test on T-S orientation specimens revealed that the crack branched off in two directions, thus deviating from the normal direction of cracking by approximately 60 degrees. The geometric deformation of crystal grains due to cold work seemed to be caused by anisotropy, and shear stress also assisted the SCC. The crack growth rates increased with increasing yield strength, temperature and stress intensity. These parameters did not exhibit clear evidence of a threshold on crack growth. The effect of cold work on increasing corrosion was less than the effect on crack growth rate. Hence, the effect of cold work on corrosion may be insignificant for crack growth.
The intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) behavior of cold-worked 316 stainless steels in hydrogenated high-temperature water (500 ppm B + 2 ppm Li + 30 cc/kg-H2O-STP DH2) were investigated using compact tension specimens that had been cold-worked in the T-S orientation. The crack growth rates were examined as a function of cold work, temperature and stress intensity. In addition, the influence of cold work on corrosion was investigated. The results of the CT test on T-S orientation specimens revealed that the crack branched off in two directions, thus deviating from the normal direction of cracking by approximately 60 degrees. The geometric deformation of crystal grains due to cold work seemed to be caused by anisotropy, and shear stress also assisted the SCC. The crack growth rates increased with increasing yield strength, temperature and stress intensity. These parameters did not exhibit clear evidence of a threshold on crack growth. The effect of cold work on increasing corrosion was less than the effect on crack growth rate. Hence, the effect of cold work on corrosion may be insignificant for crack growth.
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