The LPR technique and the long-term weight loss measurement method are used to evaluate the effect of temperature on the erosion-col-rosion behavior of 13Cr. From the weight-loss measurement, it is found that the erosion-corrosion rate increases with the increase of the temperature. At room temperature, the erosion-corrosion rate of 13Cr is about 2-3 times higher than the pure erosion rate. However at 150°F and 200°F, the erosion-corrosion rate of 13Cr is more than 5 times higher than the pure erosion rate of 13Cr at the corresponding temperatures. According to the LPR measurement, the erosion-corrosion rate of 13Cr has a linear relationship with the temperature. In comparison with the erosion-co~Tosion rate determined with the long-term weight loss method, the LPR technique always underestimates the erosion-corrosion rate of 13Cr. Nevertheless, the LPR technique can still be used as a screening tool to quickly identify conditions for which erosion-corrosion could be a problem.
Keywords: 13Cr, erosion-corrosion, high temperature.