A comparative ecotoxicology investigation has been conducted using field specific parameters to assess the impact of residual corrosion inhibitor, standard versus green , discharged from offshore facilities. Presented is a modeled estimate of ecological impact and risk associated with produced water / corrosion inhibitor mixtures from a low salinity-high temperature discharge of 142 million L/day into an open sea environment. Impact is assessed by extrapolation of steady state indicator test species LCso critical body residue (CBR) results applied to an accurate characterization of resident organism non steady state exposure and contaminant load. This extrapolation determines the acute and chronic impact of produced water / corrosion inhibitor mixture with time. These extrapolations are possible using an empirically justified predictive computer simulation of toxicant effluent mixture discharged into an open sea environment that determines plume dispersion, degradation, dilution, and bioaccumulation. The modeled simulation furnishes non steady state CBR bioaccumulation concentrations that provide an accurate representation of acute and chronic mortality with resultant PEC/NEC risk at any given geographical location adjacent to effluent discharge location.
Key words; bioaccumulation, biodegradation, inhibitor, half life, risk assessment