
How to Assess AC on a Pipeline with a Mix of Coal Tar Enamel (CTE) and Fusion Bonded Epoxy

Assessing and mitigating AC corrosion on pipelines with multiple coatings presents some unique challenges especially when there are significant coating resistance changes between them. Gas pipelines are constantly being upgraded due to class locations/relocations which result in changes in the pipe grade and coating. The older CTE coating never experienced AC corrosion issues in this same environment; however now with mix of FBE coated sections changes the dynamics are now different for AC corrosion to occur. This paper will present the challenges of assessing a poor-quality coating with 50 years of service versus an excellent coating with less than 5 years of service in a low resistivity environment.

Product Number: 51319-12975-SG
Author: Joseph Pikas
Publication Date: 2019
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