
Electrodeposited Zinc Based Plating on Premium OCTG Connections as an Alternative to Storage and Running Dope: Corrosion Performance evaluation.

The use of dry coating on Premium OCTG connections to replace both storage and running compounds presents numerous benefices for end-users. It keeps the well clean by preventing the discharge of dope to the environment. Into the well bore it reduces the operational costs by elimination of storage dope cleaning and running dope application and it improves the running performances.The solution that has been developed combines an electrodeposited zinc based metal plating which provides anti galling properties and protects the steel from corrosion in storage conditions and an organic topcoat to control the friction coefficient and to improve the running performances. An intensive test program has been performed to assess marine atmospheric corrosion performances during storage on yard and evaluate crevice corrosion in H2S environment with this dope-free solution. Atmospheric corrosion was evaluated after long-term exposure to natural environments and accelerated cyclic corrosion tests in laboratory. Crevice corrosion was assessed through specifically designed high pressure and high temperature corrosion tests in autoclaves.

Product Number: 51319-13274-SG
Author: Alexandre FRANCOIS-HEUDE
Publication Date: 2019